The Key Mindset Shift You Need to Have to Uncover Your Purpose, Clarify Your Calling, and Achieve Your Goals
When I reflect on the times of my life when I had the most success or made the most change— whether it was losing 65 lbs, starting a business, or investing in the resources to support my dream— there was an underlying, common denominator that started it all— a mindset shift.
The Problem With Traditional Goal Setting & New Year Resolutions
Did you know that only 8% of people reach their New Year’s goals and resolutions? Every December and January people set these lofty goals to abandon them by the second week of February.
My 2018 PowerSheets Goals + My Word of the Year
How are you feeling about 2018? As I sat down in December to reflect on 2017 and prep for the year ahead, the one word that described my feelings toward 2018 was READY. Ready for a fresh start.