Uncover Your Purpose.
Clarify Your Calling.
Achieve your Goals.
Design a life that you & God love.
Stop letting fear and lack of clarity keep you from pursuing your purpose and achieving your goals. Learn how to uncover your purpose and clarify your calling so you can design a life that both you and God will love.

a coaching program designed to help you uncover purpose, clarify your calling, & Achieve your goals.
The In Pursuit of Purpose Coaching Program was designed for you, especially if you know that you’re made for more but you’re unsure of what that more really is.
Nothing is more frustrating than not knowing your purpose or what you’re called to do. Add to that the anxiety and frustration that comes from taking your life into your own hands, throwing things at the wall hoping that something may stick. You’re over lisetning to the sermons, reading the books, and attending the faith-based conferences. You’re ready to know how God has uniquely designed you to fulfill His Kingdom mission.
Hi, I'm Janelle King
and I know exactly how you feel because that’s exactly where I was when I set out to uncover my God-given purpose. I knew that I was called, but I wasn’t sure what I was being called to. Although I was passionate about a few things, I wasn't sure if they were what God was calling me to. So I started fasting and praying that God would reveal my purpose to me.
Now, I didn’t know everything but I knew one thing for sure: I didn’t want to wake up toward the end of my life realizing that I wasted it pursuing everything else rather than what God had for me or even pursuing other people’s expectations for my life or my wrongly defined definition of success. Right then and there I started casting the vision for my life, and it was during that time of prayer and fasting that God revealed to me my purpose and calling.
At that moment, I realized that my purpose was in me all along. I didn’t have to go find it. It was already there, waiting to be uncovered. That day the Lord revealed to me the four core directions that point to our purpose and now I help women do the same.
After hearing from my readers and clients who struggle with the same thing, I discovered that Christian women desiring to uncover their purpose, clarify their calling, and achieve their goals tend to struggle with one or more of these three core problems:
The biggest thing that you lack is clarity — clarity in your purpose and your calling. You know that you were made for more but you’re not sure what that more is, and you’re tired throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping that something will stick.
You know that on a greater level, you’re purpose is to serve but you don’t know the unique way that God has called you to do it. And at this point you’ve listened to all the sermons, read all the books, and attended all the conferences. You’re ready to know your unique God-given purpose and calling.
You believe that your purpose is in your job, passions, or calling. Or maybe even as your role as a wife or mother. But you still have this haunting feeling that God has more for you. And that’s because He does. Your purpose is more than just doing, and you’re ready to discover His purposes for you.
You're about to learn exactly how to uncover your purpose, clarify your calling and achieve your goals you can design a life that you and God love.

What You'll Get is:
A Complimentary Clarity Session where we'll get clear on your current challenges and even greater opportunities
A Welcome Packet that explains the coaching process and expectations
6 or 12 (depending on the need) x 60- minute coaching sessions (held every 2 weeks)
A personalized client notebook where you'll have access to all of the notes and recordings of each session
Tasks, resources, workbooks, and homework to keep you growing in between sessions
Unlimited chat support between sessions
But What You'll Take Away is:
The peace of knowing who God has designed you to be and what He has created you to do
Clarity and confidence knowing that you’re heading in the right direction
Contentment in knowing where you stand in your calling journey
The strategy and accountability to achieve your God-given goals
The boldness and courage to continue on the unique path that God has for you
The Process
Cast the vision
Proverbs 29:18 tells us that where there is no vision, the people perish. The first step in the In Pursuit of Purpose Program is to cast your vision. Your vision will give you direction and the clarity and confidence to move boldly where God is leading you.
Uncover your purpose
Your purpose will be the foundation that grounds you in everything you do. In this step we will look at the four core directions that point to your purpose: your design, passions, past preparation, and calling.
Clarify your calling
Now that you’ve casted your vision and uncovered your purpose, it’s time to get clear on your God-given calling. Just because you’ve received revelation doesn’t mean that you will be walking in the fullness of your calling right away. In this step we will discover where you are in your calling journey and how you can best operate in your purpose in this season.
Set purpose-driven goals
While your purpose gives you foundation and your vision gives you direction, your goals will give you focus. That’s why it’s vital that you set goals with your purpose and life’s vision in mind. In this step, we will work together to set goals that align with your purpose, vision, and season of your calling journey.
take inspired action
Now that you’ve casted the vision for your life, uncovered your purpose, clarified your calling, and set purpose-driven goals, now it’s time to create your action plan to make it all happen. Together we will create your life map action plan and put the accountability in place to make sure that you achieve your goals.
What are the Life Designers Saying?
“I have clarity in my purpose and calling like never before.”
Before I had started working with Janelle, I had a feeling there was something more to my life. I was just missing it. I’ve never worked with a coach before and had no idea what to expect. However, I was ready for the experience and life changes that would come with it. The biggest change I’ve noticed from working with Janelle is that my confidence has skyrocketed, my relationship with God has deepened, and I have clarity in my purpose and calling like never before. Before working with her I was a “life cruiser” but now I have the motivation to pursue what God is calling me to
- AJ James
“Janelle gave language and clarity to not only my assignments and purpose here on earth but to my destiny.”
For many years I struggled with self-confidence, so much so, that I would self sabotage and talk myself out of going after the mandate & charge for my life. For some reason I have always got in the way of what God was wanting & desiring to do through my life. After working with Janelle, I gained the confidence & assurance that I needed. She gave language and clarity to not only my assignments and purpose here on earth, but to my destiny. Learning to build from the foundation on up was a game changer for me, as well as combating the lies of the enemy together. She is not only professional, ambitious and confident, but she is like a sister-friend. She was burdened & passionate about seeing me walk fearlessly in my calling & achieving my goals and it spewed out in every single session. Eternally grateful for the powerful impact that will influence, impact and give way to generations and generations to come.
- Erica Fennell
Your Investment:
6 month program: $250/Month or a One-Time Payment of $1,350 ($1,500 value)
12 month program: $250/month or a one time payment of $2,700 ($3,000 Value)

As your coach, I promise you this: I will show up, support you, and be there for you every step of the way.
We weren't meant to walk out this life on our own. I'll listen to you, pray for you, and make space for what matters to you most during this season. We'll have deep, meaningful conversations- some filled with powerful breakthrough, and some that are just light and carefree. Everything that we'll do will be according to your pace, but know I'm here to give you that added push you need to accomplish your goals and pursue your purpose. I'm here to remind you of just how capable you are, but most importantly, I'm here to help you become all that God has called you to be and pursue the goals and purpose that He's placed on your heart.
All I ask is that you give this process 110%. Your results are solely based on what you put in. Over three to six months we can and will accomplish so much together as you design a purpose-driven life that you and God love.