Uncover Your God-Given Purpose
Stop trying to find your purpose. Navigate through the Four Core Directions Framework to uncover what’s already inside of you in the Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program.

Know that you were “made for more” but are having a hard time figuring out what that “more” really is?
Nothing is more frustrating that you knowing that you were made for a purpose, but not knowing what that purpose really is. Add to that the frustration and anxiety you get from listening to the sermons, reading the books, and attending the faith-based conferences that talk about purpose on a general sense, but not how it directly and uniquely applies to you. You’re tired of being inspired and encouraged. You’re ready to know what your purpose is without a shadow of doubt and how you’re uniquely called to carry it out.
Hi, my name is Janelle Alexandra,
and I know exactly how you feel because that’s exactly where I was when I set out to uncover my God-given purpose. I knew that I was called, but I wasn’t sure what I was being called to. Although I was passionate about a few things, I wasn't sure if they were what God was calling me to. So I started fasting and praying that God would reveal my purpose to me.
Now, I didn’t know everything but I knew one thing for sure: I didn’t want to wake up toward the end of my life realizing that I wasted it pursuing everything else rather than what God had for me or even pursuing other people’s expectations for my life or my wrongly defined definition of success. It was during that time of prayer and fasting that God revealed to me that my purpose. He told me to Google the word “life coach,” and as I read the description, I realized that a life coach was always who I was and what I’ve always done. The description highlight so many of my strengths, talents, and even educational interests. In that moment, God revealed to me my purpose which is to inspire and motivate women to live purpose-driven lives and assigned to me my calling as a coach.
It was there on that couch that the Lord showed me that my purpose was inside of me all along. I didn’t have to go and find it, it just had to be uncovered. He showed me that He brings everything together: your personality, strengths, spiritual gifts, culture, upbringing, education, passions, and even calling for your purpose.
The problem with most programs, conferences, and materials
out there is that they teach you purpose in a general sense or in terms of doing — i.e. a career, business, role, or assignment instead of teaching you purpose as a holistic integration of being, doing, and living, that consists of who you are, what you’ve been prepared for, what you love, and how you’re divinely called to carry it out. As I dove deeper into my work as a life coach, I discovered that all these facets of our life fall into what is known as the four core directions that point to our purpose. That is why I created The Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program: to help you navigate the four core directions that point to your purpose. I’ve pieced together these themes for myself and now I help my clients do the same.
You’re about to discover exactly how you can uncover your God-given purpose and clarify your calling so you can have the clarity, confidence, and direction to design a life that you and God love.
The Process
The Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program is an eight-week program designed to help you uncover your God-given purpose. During the eight weeks together, we will be navigating through the Four Core Directions: design, passion, preparation, and calling. Where these directions integrate in the middle is your God-given purpose.
Your design consists of your strengths, talents, personality, spiritual gifts — basically everything that makes you uniquely you. God designed you with your purpose and calling in mind.
Your passions are the things that you light you up and inspire you to take action. Without passion you won’t have the energy or enthusiasm that is needed to fuel your purpose and sustain you on your calling journey.
Your whole life has prepared you for who God designed you to be and what He created you to do. That means your culture, upbringing, learned skills, experiences, and even your education. Nothing you’ve gone through is ever in vain. God is working everything together, good or bad, for His glory and your purpose.
Your calling is wherever God is sending you — whether it be to a place, a career, or even to a people. It is your assignment or your mission where God integrates the being and doing part of your purpose. Simply stated your calling is wherever or however God calls you to carry your purpose out.

This Program Is For You If….
You are struggling to identify your purpose apart from your career, passions, roles, assignments, or desired lifestyle.
you have a general understanding of your purpose, but you’re still not 100% sure
You’ve been putting your purpose off to pursue your own version of success & it’s not working out for you.
you’re tired of following society’s standards, traditions, & expectations for your life.
you want to understand how your passions, gifts, life experience, and skills come together for your purpose.
This Program Isn’t For You If…
your career, money, and success matter to you more than God’s purpose and plan for your life.
your personal & spiritual development is not valuable or a priority to you.
You don’t have the discipline & diligence to do the work.
You don’t have the faith to trust god in the process.
you rather rely on your excuses & comfort than the conviction of the holy spirit.
The Details
In the Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program, we will be spending eight weeks together navigating through the Four Core Directions: design, passion, preparation, and calling to uncover your unique God-given purpose. We will be spending two weeks on each direction diving into exercises from A Leader’s Life Purpose Workbook (needs to be purchased separately) that will highlight the thread that is tying these directions together: your purpose. By the end of the program, you will walk away knowing your purpose and the unique way that God is calling you to live it out.
What’s Included
Five 60-Minute Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Sessions. The Group Coaching Program will be held via the video meeting platform, Zoom, and there will be recordings of each session. Sessions will be held on Thursdays at 7:00 pm ET.
A digital client notebook through Dropbox Paper where all your exercises will be housed
Personalized feedback to highlight the themes and ensure understanding in your purpose and calling
A private community group to be encouraged and held accountable in the process
How It Works
The Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program is filled by private selection and kept intimate to protect the group experience, as well to ensure each woman gets the attention and clarity she needs to uncover and understand her purpose. Therefore, groups are formed by size and application. After filling out an application and being approved, you will be invited to put down a $75 non-refundable deposit that reserves your spot in the next round. Your deposit will be credited to the remainder of your investment.
Upcoming Round:
The Group Coaching Program will run Thursday, April 2, 2020 through Thursday, May 28th. We will meet for an hour via the video meeting platform Zoom on the following dates:
Thursday, January 9th at 7:30 pm EST
Thursday, January 23rd at 7:30 pm EST
Thursday, February 6th at 7:30 pm EST
Thursday, February 20th at 7:30 pm EST
Thursday, March 5th at 7:30 pm EST
Hear what Life Designers have to say…
“I finally feel like I have a solid understanding of how to move forward in my calling and purpose!”
When I first started this program, Janelle told me I'd know my calling and have my purpose statement by the end of it, and to be honest, I didn't believe her! I'd been fighting for that realization for the past two years, and she expected me to get it in 6 short weeks. BUT, by the end of the class, had learned so much about myself, about my purpose, and about all the things that have gotten me to this point. I understood my calling, the gifts, talents, and experiences that have equipped/will continue to equip me, and I even knew my purpose statement. It was surreal, but it was one of the greatest, most eye-opening experiences I've ever had. I'm so glad I did this program with Janelle! I finally feel like I have a solid understanding of how to move forward in my calling and purpose.
“I had known for a while that some assistance was needed in finding my purpose and I didn't want to wait any longer.”
When I started the Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program, I didn’t know what my purpose was. I had known for a while that some assistance was needed in finding my purpose and I didn't want to wait any longer. There was something about Janelle that made her easy to trust with finding something so important. The program was extremely inspiring and provided me with a sense of purpose and peace. Janelle is wonderful and has the ability to look into confusion and make sense of it. The class was a mixture of comfort, humor and humility and I would recommend this group coaching program to anyone who will listen.
“I’m no longer frustrated or hesitant to meet the people I’m called to help.”
When I started the Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program, I was at a dry place in my life and I couldn't figure out what I should be doing or where I should be going. I just felt like I was going through the motions with life and the people around me. I knew I wanted an understanding of what I should be doing and what was my true purpose. The most important thing I learned during the program my value and it started me on the roadmap to my purpose and understanding of everything I have endured in life. It changed the way I view my purpose and calling because I'm no longer frustrated or hesitant to meet the people I'm called to help. Janelle has a beautiful spirit and gift that makes you feel so comfortable and safe with sharing your inner secrets and thoughts. Her guidance makes you think about everything you say and do that helps guide you through your process of finding and understanding your purpose.
“I learned how to look back through events that occurred in my life, and analyze how they led me to where I am today.”
Janelle's Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program was amazing. In this class, I learned how to look back through events that occurred in my life, and analyze how they led me to where I am today. Janelle was flexible, timely, and took a genuine interest in the entire group's growth process. She consistently provided valuable feedback, and her insight as a coach was invaluable. The class was well worth it, and I will definitely refer back to the notes and resources I received from this class.
“My journey in discovering my purpose, before starting this course, seemed scattered between many interests and doubts, but now I have more clarity and confidence in what God has designed me for.”
The Roadmap to Purpose course was amazing! Spending time with God and answering insightful questions about myself took some real work. This process helped me to see how intentional God is in my life, in ways I did not see previously. My journey in discovering my purpose, before starting this course, seemed scattered between many interests and doubts, but now I have more clarity and confidence in what God has designed me for. I'm so grateful God lead me to Janelle and I highly recommend her to be your coach.
Total Tuition: $297*
Initial deposit: $75
Add ons: two 45-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions can be purchased for an additional $250
*= Doesn’t include purchase of the workbook. Workbook will need to be purchased separately.
Q: How do I know that if I go through this program that I’ll successfully uncover my purpose?
We’ve been running the Roadmap to Purpose Group Coaching Program for over a year and are proud to say that we have a 100% success rate. We use a blend of Purpose Discovery tools developed by Tony Stoltzfus as well as Purpose Discovery tools developed by me to ensure that you leave your program with a Life Purpose Statement. As long as you do the work and commit to the process, you will uncover your God-given purpose.
Q: I am a private person. Do I have to share all of my personal business to the group?
Absolutely not! The group coaching sessions are not counseling sessions but a time to discuss and answer questions on the reading and the purpose-discovery process. While vulnerability and transparency is encouraged, members share at their own discretion and everything that is shared amongst the group is kept confidential by the coach and group members. If you would like one-on-one assistance in your purpose-discovery process, you are more than welcome to purchase additional private coaching sessions or enroll in the In Pursuit of Purpose Private Coaching Program instead.
Q: I want to do the program but I’m not sure if I can afford it.
At Life Designer University, we encourage you to use your finances prayerfully and wisely. Only a $75 deposit is due with your application. Your deposit will be credited toward your tuition and the remainder of your payment will be due three days before the start of your program. Still not sure if you can afford the payment plan? Here are some coaching questions to help you count the cost:
Can you afford another year to go buy not knowing your purpose?
Do you plan on spending your money on other personal development tools, books, or conferences, that may not be successful in helping you to uncover your purpose?
Are you spending your money on other things that aren’t purposeful or shouldn’t be a priority in your life?
Sometimes we tell ourselves stories that we can’t afford the things we know will be beneficial because we are prioritizing the unimportant. Be honest, transparent, and in prayer on how God wants you to move forward in your purpose and personal development journey.
Q: Is the $75 deposit refundable?
No. The $75 is non-refundable, however if the dates and times become a conflict, you’re welcome to apply that same deposit to the next round of the program.
Q: When will the remaining of my investment be due?
Once you make your deposit, the remaining of your balance will be charged automatically 72 hours before the start of our sessions. You’re welcome and encouraged to pay the balance in full before then.
Q: Can I pay the full amount in advance?
Absolutely! Once you fill out your application and receive the scheduling link, you will see an option to pay in full.