How to Take Personal Responsibility For Your Life

How to Take Personal Responsibility For Your Life | Life Designer University -- Has the year not gone as planned? Before you start blaming your past, failures, childhood, parents, or your lack of money for being the reasons why you didn’t accomplish…

I believe many people fail to realize that they are responsible for their own life. Your thoughts, emotions, actions, and daily decisions are what shape and direct your life, and you have complete authority over them.

While you may not be able to control what life throws at you, you can control how you respond to it. You can choose to respond with a defeatist, “woe-as-me” mentality and accept the hand you’ve been given, or you can choose to grow past your circumstances by taking hold of God’s promises and pursuing everything He’s called you to. Regardless of what you choose, you are responsible. And this is a truth that you must realize in order to design a life that you and God love.

I always hear so many excuses that women have ready for reasons why they can’t do what God is calling them to do or pursue their dreams or goals:

I don’t know where to start.

It’s not the right time.

I don’t have enough money.

I’m afraid.

What if I fail?

Every challenge can be explained away by an excuse as to why they don’t take action or why they can’t affect the change they want to see in their life. They use their fears, distractions, and self-sabotage to be a scapegoat so they don’t have to take personal responsibility for their actions and decisions that led them to where they are.

But the Bible warns us about those who don’t take ownership over their life:

“To those who use well what they are given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” - Matthew 25: 29 (NLT)

“The point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.” - 2 Corinthians 9:6 (CSB)

We can see from Scripture that it’s impossible to reap God’s favor and blessing when you don’t take personal ownership over your actions. If you want to design a life that you and God love and design a purposeful year, you have to start taking personal responsibility for your life. Here’s how to do it.

Own Your Decisions

For true change and breakthrough to occur, you have to take personal ownership over the decisions that have gotten you to this place. What part did you play that has led to where you currently are in your life, calling, and goals? What choices did you select that led you to this outcome? And be honest with yourself. Awareness and transparency lead to authentic change.

Acknowledge Your Actions.

The truth is that we are the sum of our actions and our actions lead to results. Look at where you are in your life and pinpoint the actions that led you here. What actions did you or did you not take? How do you feel about them? How can you be more intentional about your actions moving forward? Acknowledging your behavior will not only help you to see how much control you do have over your situation but help you better steward the areas of your life that God has called you to.

Quit Complaining.

Complaining comes from an ungrateful and prideful spirit. Especially when you’re complaining because you think you deserve better but you’re unwilling or too lazy to do anything about it. If you’ve been comfortable with being complacent and have been unwilling to take the actions that you know would lead to your desired results, quit complaining. Especially if it’s over something that you can control. Instead of whining, identify what is in your control and influence. What part do you have to play and what actions can you take to change your current situation?

Eliminate the Excuses.

It can be easy to place the blame on other people or situations when life doesn’t go your way. Listen to your words. In your conversations, do you find yourself blaming others for your year not going as planned? Do you find yourself pointing fingers at your past, failures, childhood, parents, or your lack of money for not pursuing what God has called you to? Are you making excuses for unmet goals or missed deadlines? If so, the good news is that if you are aware of the excuses you typically make, you can stop them. Stop shifting the blame onto other things and people and take responsibility for what you want and where you want to go in your life.

Decide What Needs to Change Moving Forward

Now that you’ve owned up to your portion and have assumed accountability for your actions, decide what needs to change moving forward. Where do you want to be by the end of next year? Where are your opportunities for growth? What are you resolving to do to be the change that you want to see? Success starts by making a decision. You can choose to grow, move forward, and rise to the challenge or you can choose to remain stuck, but the choice is yours. Regardless of what you choose, take responsibility for your choice.

The truth is no one is responsible for your life but you. So if you want to pursue your purpose, carry out your calling, and achieve your goals it’s up to you. God controls the outcome but you have authority over the thoughts, decisions, and behaviors that get you to that place. God can call and equip you but there is action required on your behalf. Rise to the occasion, step up to the plate, and take personal responsibility for your life. By doing so you will find the resolve to design your year and your life with power, purpose, and intention.

For more on how to prepare and position yourself for your most purposeful year yet, click the button below to download the free Design Your Year Lifestyle Guide.

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