The #1 Reason Why A Degree Will Never Be Enough

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From the time we are young, we’re taught that education is the only way to have a thriving life. As we leave high school we’re handed a catalog of careers to choose from in hopes that they will lead to promising careers and plump paychecks. We’re told to find jobs that will leave us stable and secure. We do all these things in hopes of living a successful life only to find ourselves nine times out of ten working in careers where we’re barely getting by or we’re just downright unfulfilled. Why? Because we were so caught up in success that we failed to consider the most important thing that’s contingent on our success… purpose.


Studies show that only 47% of college graduates find a job related to their degree and about 85% of people in the world hate their job. They feel disconnected and disengaged because they’re not doing work that matters. They’re not operating in their purpose.


The truth of the matter is that 20 to 50% of students enter into a degree program “undecided”, 75% students don’t know what jobs are fit for them, and 46% don’t know what they want to do with their degree. And this not knowing isn’t because of their lack of education or poor teaching, it’s because they don’t know what they were designed or called to do. 


You can enroll in all the degree programs and take all the courses in the world, but if you don’t know why you were put on this earth and what you were specifically designed to do, you’ll always be lost and confused. You’ll always be looking for the next thing. It’s not success that you’re looking for, it’s purpose.


Colleges and universities are higher educational institutions designed to prepare you for vocational career paths. They’re constructed to provide you with the training to excel in your career choice, but unless you know your purpose, how can you move forward in selecting the right career, a fulfilling career, a career that has meaning and purpose? 


The thing is, you can’t. Selecting a career or degree program without knowing your purpose is like a playing a game of Russian roulette: you never know what you’re going to get and you better hope and pray that things work out in your favor.


So many people see college degrees and careers as primary avenues to success and fulfillment, but what if these things were only meant to be secondary or supplementary to God’s purpose and plan for our lives? Maybe a higher form of education is needed.


Universities are known for handing out degrees and certifications, but they can’t provide a student with education that transcends beyond a career or degree. A different kind of education is needed. An education that helps you uncover your purpose and then equips you with the life skills that will be foundational to whatever degree or career path you choose. College and degrees will enhance and round out your skill set, but only purpose can give you direction and vision.


That is why I created Life Designer U™— a coaching and higher educational platform designed to teach you the life and spiritual skills needed to fashion a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


This platform gives you education beyond a career or degree. It’s higher education for life. Through ongoing video training, coaching, life classes, and courses, you’ll be educated and equipped to fashion and pursue a life of meaning and purpose. The curriculum covered in the university ranges from personal & spiritual development, purpose & work, finances, business, and so much more. Click the button below to learn more about Life Designer U. 

When we look to careers and degrees as our primary means to success and fulfillment, we’ll always end up devoid. It will never be enough. But when we decide to look to our Maker for purpose and solely pursue Him, we’ll be able to finally fashion and design a life that we and He love. 

Ready to design a life that you and God love? Click here to enroll in Life Designer Academy!


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