The Foundations of Goal Setting

The Foundations of Goal Setting | Fearfully Fashioned

As we discussed in last week’s post, goal setting is a mental process that requires a powerful mindset shift. To effectively set goals it’s important to lay a strong mental foundation. The foundation of goal setting starts with the mind. A lot of people set goals from a place of lack instead of abundance. They believe that once they’ve accomplished a goal they will achieve happiness or gain some sort of credibility, but that is far from the truth. Success does not equal happiness.

According to the self-coaching model, emotions originate with thoughts, which means that we have the ability to control our feelings. There’s absolutely no reason why we can’t be happy and content with what we have right now. Goals are not used to foster happiness or even create purpose, but to further purpose.

Goals are used as a tool to further shape us into who God created us to be. Goals go hand in hand with our purpose by refining our character. They bring out any challenges or obstacles that have the potential to hold us back. In order to identify any weaknesses and minimize potential setbacks here are the 3 things you can do before choosing your goals.

1) Identify your desired feelings and end. How do you want to feel? What is it that you actually want to accomplish? These are things to ask yourself before you dive in to planning.

2) Cast down any negative thoughts. Mindset is everything when it comes to accomplishing goals. Counteract your negative thoughts with empowerment and positivity.

3) Create your game plan. Once you have identified what you want and the negative thoughts that might arise, you can now create a plan of attack. Envision your plan and create action from a place where the goal is already completed.

This Saturday, January 9th, I am having a goal setting webinar at 2pm EST. During this webinar I will go further into the foundation of goal setting and how you can create S.M.A.R.T. goals. To learn more click the registration button below.


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The Importance of Mindset Manifestation