Redefining Your Priorities
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
Have you ever thought about what matters most in your life? The life-giving things that will add value and impact to your life and the lives of those around you?
It’s easy to forget these things and succumb to idle living at times. You wake up, go to work, feeling like another cog in the wheel, deeply wishing you could contribute to a larger purpose only to come home to a lengthy to-do list and stifled passions that serve as reminders that you’re nowhere near where you know you could be. In disappointment, you may even find yourself conceding to the day and putting off your to-dos in hopes for a better tomorrow.
But you don’t have to accept the hand you’ve been dealt. In moments like these, you can choose to fall asleep to the purpose and passions placed inside of you, or you can choose to prioritize the purposeful and the meaningful.
As believers, we’re not called to lackadaisical living. We’re called to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. making the most of every opportunity that the Lord has given us.
So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord ants you to do.” - Ephesians 5:15-17
Although you may not have all the answers or the clarity you’ve been seeking, you don’t have to idly accept the hand you’ve been given. You can choose to prioritize what the Lord is calling you to do in this season by making the most of every moment. Here are three ways how you can do that.
Review your life’s mission
Before you can prioritize the things of God, you must have an understanding of His purpose. So go back and review your life’s mission. What is your purpose in life? And I’m not just talking about your job, passion, or role. And don’t just give me that your purpose is to “help others and build God’s Kingdom.” Your job, passion, and roles are only vehicles or containers for your purpose. And yes, your overall mission is to serve and build God’s Kingdom, but what is the unique way that He’s purposed you to do that? Understanding your purpose will give you foundation. From there you can cast the vision for your life to give you direction in your choices and decisions, and have clarity on how you are called to carry out that purpose and manifest that vision.
Determine what matters
Once you’ve reviewed your life’s mission, it’s important to determine what matters. Fast forward to where you’re nearing the end of your life. What will have mattered most? What will you want to be known for? What impact or legacy do you want to leave? How will you have wished you spent your time? What matters is often reflected in our purpose, passions, our values, and what we feel called to do. Make a list of what matters and likewise a list of the things that don’t. The outcomes of this list will help you determine what your priorities and actions should be based on moving forward, highlighting what will add the most value and long-term impact.
Audit Your Life
Now that you have casted the vision for your life, it’s important to audit the various areas of your life and assess where there might be opportunities to align them to your purpose and vision. Examine every area including your calendar, to-do lists as well as finances. We prioritize what we give our time, energy, and finances to. Auditing these areas will show you the worthy matters to which you should direct your focus, effort, time, energy, and attention.
Prioritize the Important
The things that matter least should never come before the things that matter most. Prioritize them by putting them first and at the forefront of your mind. Do you find yourself battling internal conflict regarding making the right decision? Create a decision-making criteria that honors your purpose, values, and goals, and consult the criteria before making major decisions. Do you want to prioritize your mental and spiritual well-being? Instead of rushing to fill up the white space in your calendar, leave room for rest, creativity, and spontaneity. Do you want to be more mindful and grounded, and ready to tackle your day? Rather than scrolling through your social media first thing in the morning, set aside those first few moments of the day to pour into your spirit, mind, and soul. Do you want to work in a role that align with your passion, purpose, and strengths? Prioritize what’s important to you in your role by crafting it to include your strengths and passions. Do you want to make purposeful progress on your goals? Prioritize them by devoting one day a week to executing your action steps. Placing your priorities at the forefront allows you to intentionally spend your time on the things that are most purposeful and impactful.
We can’t live thoughtlessly, idly drifting through our lives and passively accepting the hand life has dealt us. To make the most of our time and God-given opportunities, we have to be proactive and prioritizing the things that we are being called to do.
For more on redefining your priorities and maximizing your opportunities, download the free Master Your Time Lifestyle Guide.
Originally Published: September 9, 2019 | Updated: October 17, 2022