Accepting and Celebrating Your God-Given Desires

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What are the desires that God has placed on your heart? Your desires are deeply embedded inside of you. They are the things you wish for most. Your desires depict your values and are the motivation behind your passions. And the best thing about them is that they are God-given. But as Christians, many times we struggle to own them.  Whether it’s due to fear, guilt, or other people’s expectations of us, we often downplay the desires He placed inside of us.

I’ve seen this over and over again, as I coach women one-on-one to uncover their purpose, and one of the places I love to dig into is their desires. The sweet desires that God has given them. Many of them have a desire to write, to start a ministry, and to have more purpose in their everyday life. Maybe you have these desires too, but then life happens and you start to believe those desires are selfish or meaningless. But what if those are the very things that God has given to you because He wants to fulfill them in you and through you?

Well in this blog post I’m giving you three reasons why you should accept and celebrate your desires. Here are three ways you can do that:

Realize that your desires are God-given.

Our desires serve as the breadcrumbs or the “blue clues” that lead you back to Him. It is through our desires that we can learn more about what God wants to do in us and through us.  Instead of burying them or sweeping them under the rug, start asking the Lord the reason why He has given them to you.

God wants to fulfill your desires. 

God didn’t give you desires to taunt or tease you. He actually wants to fulfill them! The Word tells us in Psalm 37:4 that if we delight ourselves in the Lord that He will give us the desires of our heart. But that’s the thing, we have to make sure that we are abiding in Him. When you put God first, He will give you the desires of your heart.

Your desires point to your passions and purpose.

Your desires are the motivations behind your passions, and your passions fuels your purpose. Without them you won’t have the motivation and enthusiasm needed to pursue your purpose and carry out your calling. Instead of thinking that your desires are selfish, think of them as the motivations behind your purpose and what God is calling you to.

I hope that this give you permission to accept your desires. They are not dirty. They are not selfish. They are not greedy. They are given to you by a loving, gracious, and faithful God.

Want to learn more about your desires and passions? I created the free Passionate Pursuit Lifestyle Guide to help you to accept, celebrate, and pursue your God-given passions. Click the button below to download your free guide.

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How will you start accepting and celebrating your God-given desires? Tell me in the comments below!


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