Clarifying Your Roles & Responsibilities
“A right view of your responsibilities will give you a right view of what productivity means in your life.”
Life is a huge play, and we all have roles we have to perform. According to Matt Perman, author of What’s Best Next, a role is defined as an area of responsibility. In addition to his definition, I like to think as roles as assignments given to us by God. For you, maybe one of those roles is as a daughter or a sister. While you’re at work, maybe you serve as a marketing director, and when you get home you serve as a small group leader at your church. We all have so many roles that we play.
Just like a play maybe you’ve tried out or rehearsed for some of the roles you're in, or maybe the role was given to you based on sheer talent, or maybe it was assigned to you because of your capabilities. Regardless of the reason, you were placed in this role and now it’s time to perform. So you practice and prepare, and by opening night you are ready to give your best show. The same goes for life. We all have roles to play and each one comes with its own set of responsibilities. You have to prepare, practice, embody and live out your role in everyday life. Why? Because your role is integral and vital to the overall success of the play. The problem is that not all of us are fit for our roles.
While most roles are indeed God-given, some of them are self-assigned and not always for the right reasons. Sometimes we assign ourselves the wrong roles out of obligation. Whether we are people-pleasing or seeking validation or a sense of pride, we take on the world without ever taking the time to stop and ask ourselves if we’re really fit for the role or are we just trying to force it. This is why it’s so important that before we take on extra roles and responsibilities, we understand what the Lord wants us to do. That way we are not only able to operate in our roles to the best of our abilities but make the most of the time and opportunities that He has given us. Here’s how you can clarify and understand the significance of the roles you play and the inherent responsibilities that help you carry them out.
Reflect on your roles and responsibilities.
Take a moment to consider the various roles you play. Don’t just limit yourself to one area but think about all the roles you play in the different venues of your life and list what comes to mind.
Eliminate the roles and responsibilities that no longer fit.
Once you have reflected on and listed out your roles, determine what no longer fits. Not every role is a God-given assignment. Sometimes it’s self-assigned. Ask yourself what roles have the Lord assigned you to and what roles have you taken on out of obligation. Distinguishing between the two will help free you from the time and energy lost from being tied down to roles you were never graced to do.
Group your roles and responsibilities into categories.
Refine your roles by grouping them into life categories. Some major groupings may be personal, family, church, career, relationships. Each of these categories are different areas of responsibility or assignments that God has assigned you to. It’s your job to make sure that you are cultivating and stewarding these areas to the best of your ability.
Determine how your priorities and goals relate to your roles.
After you have refined your roles into categories, you can determine how each of these responsibilities relate to your priorities and your goals. Your roles and responsibilities will highlight what you need to prioritize and will serve as the vehicles for which you carry out your purpose and achieve your goals. Write down your roles and prioritize what’s most important in your life right now and set 1-3 goals that will contribute to your success in those roles.
Weave those roles into the fabric of your life.
Now that you have reflected on your roles, eliminated unnecessary obligations, categorized your roles, and have aligned them with your purpose, priorities, and goals, now it’s time to incorporate them into your everyday life. Because each role has accompanying responsibilities, carve out time to take care of them. For example, if one of your roles is small group leader, set aside some time each week to prep and prepare for the next bible study lesson. This helps you from planning with good intentions to taking intentional action.
Do your roles reflect your purpose, priorities, goals, and values? Roles should never be taken on from a place of obligations. Having a clear understanding of your roles and responsibilities will help you make room for the meaningful and discern how you can maximize the time and opportunities that God has given you. For more on making the most of your everyday life, download the Master Your Time Lifestyle Guide.
Knowing your mission, priorities, roles, and goals will help you to steward your time efficiently and make the most of your opportunities. Learn how to do so in the Master Your Time Online Workshop. There will be live teaching, group coaching exercises and more. The workshop will be held Wednesday, September 25th at 7:30 pm and there will be a replay available to those who register. Click the button below to register.