How to Set Purpose-Driven Goals
As we shift our mindset from performance based-goal setting, it’s important that we also change the way that we approach our goals. Traditional goal setting starts with focusing on the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting method, but before we talk about how to set the goals, it’s important to set that we set our goals from the right place — with our purpose and vision in mind.
After you’ve set your intentions on what matters most, you want to set good goals. According to Lara Casey, “good goals are about stewarding what you’ve been given well: your relationships, your money, your possessions, your work, your children, your home, your health, and your time.”
Unless your goals are set from a place of contentment, abundance, humility, purpose, and servitude they are not rooted in what matters.
There’s a danger in setting goals to gain worldly success. This is something that you don’t want to work toward. Take it from King Solomon, “And this, too, is a very serious problem. People leave this world no better than when they came. All their hard work is for nothing — like working for the wind. Through their lifeless, they live under a cloud — frustrated, discouraged, and angry.” (Ecclesiastes 5:16-17) This is what happens when we set our goals for personal gain and pleasure instead of His glory and purposes.
Your goals should be designed to support your purpose. So before you set your goals, ask yourself are they being set from a place of meaning and purpose.
Lara Casey breaks down goals like this. Good goals:
Grow what matters
One step
At a time
Little by little your
Seeds will grow
Remember, goals aren’t about what you accomplish but who you become and grow into as you accomplish them. Here are some things to think about before you set your goals.
1) Determine how you currently feel. How are you? How would you rate your personal and spiritual life? What about your relationships, health, work, and environment?
2) Look to your past. What has and hasn’t been working in your past? What would you like to change moving forward?
3) Determine how you want to feel. What thoughts do you need to think to create your desired feelings? Once you’ve determined how you want to feel use affirmations and Scriptures to cultivate those thoughts and feelings.
4) Think about what God is calling you to in this current season. Is He calling you to lay some things down or start something new? Is He calling you to tend to a different area of your life? A new direction could mean that it’s time to set some new goals.
5) Think about what you can do to create your desired feelings and align your desires with God’s plan. Start brainstorm goals and even potential action steps that will help you to manifest your desired future and feelings.
After you’ve taken the time to establish your foundation. It’s time to start the goal setting process. Here’s how to set purpose-driven goals.
1) Be in the present moment set your goals from a place of abundance, gratitude, and humility.
We’re taught to set goals from a place of lack and unhappiness. Set your goals from a place of abundance, gratitude, and humility. There is abundance available to you through Jesus Christ. He is enough. Realizing the depths of this truth will give you the humility to accept His provision and guidance and the grace to keep moving forward despite your incompetencies. You're already equipped and qualified through Him.
2) Write down the negative thoughts as they present themselves.
At this point, it’s normal for doubt, fear, overwhelm or shame to come up. Remember that these feelings are obstacles to prevent you from achieving your dreams. Put these negative thoughts back in place by intentionally casting them down. Imagine yourself in the place where your goals are already completed. Go there and address the negative thoughts from a place of confidence and knowing. Speak Scripture and life over your thoughts and goals. This is the best way to fight when the enemy attacks your mind.
3) Set Your Goals.
What goals can you set that align with your purpose and life’s vision? Take time to brainstorm goals that will support your desired end. From there, select the top three to five goals that are in season (appropriate for the season of life that you’re in) and will move you closer to your vision this year. Once you’ve done that, don’t forget to make your goals S.M.A.R.T. Here’s a breakdown of what your S.M.A.R.T. goals should look like.
What exactly is that you want to accomplish
Ask yourself Who, What, When, Where, and Why?
How can you track this goal?
Target dates, project management systems, a scale?
What is the criteria of measurement?
In what ways can you make this goal come true?
What is your action plan?
Is this goal realistic for the amount of time you are planning to devote to it?
Is this goal appropriate for the season of life you are in?
A goal without a date is just a dream.
Attach a date to your goal and work backward from there.
Set yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals.
4) Create your action plan.
Start with the end in mind. Again, go back to the place where your goals are completed and create your game plan by working backward. How did you get there? What steps did you take to accomplish your goals? Break your big, overarching goals into attainable milestones. From there, select 3 to 5 action steps you can take to progress toward these milestones and your ultimate goal
5) Find Accountability
It’s not enough to just set the goal. In order to achieve your goal, you need someone holding you accountable to make it happen. Find someone to hold you accountable —a trusted friend, family member, mentor, or even a coach. Then take it a step further by having regular meetings with them. Research says that you can increase your chances of reaching your goal by 95% just by consistently checking with an accountability partner. Find someone who will hold you accountable to your goals.
Have you been setting goals or purpose-driven goals? Set goals that are rooted in your purpose and life’s vision. In the Life Designer Coaching Program, I coach women to design a life of meaning and purpose by setting goals, creating a custom life map action plan, and holding them accountable in the process. Click the button below to to learn more and apply for a complimentary Clarity Session.