Cultivating a Heart of Contentment
Have you ever heard a truer statement? Comparison breeds so much discouragement, discontentment, and disapproval. Born from a place of ingratitude, it reminds you all that you’re not and everything that you lack.
5 Ways to Conquer Comparison in Your Calling
I didn’t start playing the comparison game regularly until after college. I remember eagerly moving to North Carolina with all these dreams and expectations. Expectations of finding a successful new job, financial stability, and maybe even a shiny, new engagement ring.
Why You Should Have A Social Media Free Weekend
If you would’ve told me a few years ago that I would basically have an aversion to social media today, I wouldn’t have believed you. I mean I’m the girl who was taking selfies before selfies were even a thing. I would take my purple Nikon point and shoot camera and go to town having daily selfie sessions.