5 Strategies to Build Career Resilience
We all have a need for security. If you’re familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, you know that this is an essential need. We all desire to have some sort of job or financial security that gives us a sense of safety and assurance. However, we may experience seasons when that security is potentially threatened.
Navigating & Adjusting to the New Normal
Every now and then, I find myself wishing that life could just "go back to normal.” You know, life pre-pandemic? Where we could hug friends and family without consideration for social distance, shop and travel mask-free, and everyday life and work just seemed a little less heavy.
Becoming Steadfast and Resilient
Resilience is a skill that we will all have an opportunity to develop at some point in time. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), resilience is defined as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.”
Cultivating a Heart of Contentment
Have you ever heard a truer statement? Comparison breeds so much discouragement, discontentment, and disapproval. Born from a place of ingratitude, it reminds you all that you’re not and everything that you lack.
How to Get After Grateful in Every Season
Can you honestly say that you are grateful in every situation? That even when things aren’t going your way, you can still find it in your heart to be thankful?
Walking in Abundance: Choosing the More Mentality
What is abundance? This has been a hot and controversial topic in the faith-based community. And while it is a biblical topic, I believe that many misunderstand what abundance really is, mainly because a lot of people have a prosperity approach toward the gospel.
The Attitude of Gratitude
Why is it that we can always point out the bad before we can point out the good? During my now husband and I’s engagement period, it was hard for me to see all the good that God brought into my life.
The First Step to Uncovering Your God-Given Purpose
I’ve always loved all things concerning women. From the time I was young, I would immerse myself in fashion magazines and all things fashion and beauty. I was enthralled by the inner and outer beauty we possessed.
The Ten Commandments of Biblical Success
It’s important that as you pursue your purpose you define what success looks like to you. It can be easy to get caught in the numbers game when you think of success.