Three Reasons Why You Won't Reach Your God-Given Goals
I am so passionate about the women of God. My heart is to see women live and lead a life that is pleasing to God’s purpose and plan. When God created us, He placed a fire inside of us. He entrusted a vision with us to make things happen for His kingdom. He has graced us with blessings, gifts, and favor to pursue the goals and purposes that He has for us, but sadly enough, many will not see those goals actualized and their purpose fulfilled.
You see, many are called, but few are chosen (Matt 22:14). God invites us to pursue these goals and purposes, but few actually respond to His call. Everybody has been given talents, passion, and purpose, but there are only a few amount of people who actually step up to the plate. You can’t call yourself a goal-oriented and purpose driven woman if you’re not doing what is necessary to achieve your God-given goals. Until you address these common pitfalls, you will always struggle to accomplish your God-given goals and purpose.
1) You Ignore Discipline.
Discipline is basically the springboard that is necessary to launch our God-given goals. Being called is not enough. Having a vision is not enough. The question is, are you willing to discipline yourself to put in the work?
The Bible tells us that no discipline is enjoyable while it’s happening— it’s painful (see Hebrews 12:11), but we will gain a reward once we’ve effectively learned how to embrace discipline. You can’t want the reward without putting in the work. If you want to see the peaceable fruit of your God-given goals, you must put in the effort to develop discipline.
2) You don’t seek accountability or wise counsel.
Many people won’t accomplish their God-given goals not because a lack of vision but because a lack of accountability and wise counsel. “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14). It’s not enough to set goals. Goals are often met when there is someone there to guide you and hold you accountable to your word. That is why I love the coaching process. It’s your coach's job to serve as your accountability partner and foundational support. It is with accountability and wise counsel that you can be encouraged and challenged to do what it takes to achieve your God-given dreams.
3) You’re scared to invest.
A lot people want the dream, but they’re afraid to sacrifice. They’re too afraid to invest in what God is calling them to do. They're too afraid to invest the time in that it takes to develop theirselves and their craft. They’re too afraid to invest money into the tools and resources that they know will help them up-level their skills and talents. They're too afraid to invest in a coach to support and hold them accountable. The list goes on and on. The truth is that the people who are winning in life are the ones who aren’t afraid to sacrifice and invest. 2 Corinthians 9:6 tells us that “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Chances are if you’re not reaping rewards and benefits, it may be because you’re sacrificing and investing little. Blessings and favor show that you’re making the most out of what God has given you. In order to show yourself and God that you’re serious about your goals and purpose, ask Him in what areas do you need to sacrifice and invest.
A goal-oriented and purpose driven life is claimed by plenty but walked out by a few. It’s not about just having the vision, but answering the call by doing what is necessary to see God’s purposes fulfilled. Don’t let these major but avoidable mistakes keep you from living a purpose driven life. In the Life Designer Coaching Program, we will not just cast the vision for what a purpose-driven life looks like to you but we will put an action plan and the accountability in place to make things happen. Click the button below to learn more and apply for a complimentary Discovery Session.