How to Set Purpose-Driven Goals
As we shift our mindset from performance based-goal setting, it’s important that we also change the way that we approach our goals.
Determining Your Purposeful Priorities
But how many times do we allow the things that matter least be greater than the ones that matter most? Far many times than we are willing to admit.
Designing a Life of Vision & Value
Clarity. It’s something that we all are hoping to find. Clarity about our life, career, next steps forward. We all want to be sure that our life is headed in the right direction.
5 Ways to Finish the Year Strong
Every December I get to the end of the year and wonder where time has gone. It seems like the months go by slow but before you know it, you look up and it’s time to enter a new year.
How to Strategically Plan Out a Purposeful & Profitable Year
There are typically two types of entrepreneurs: one who plans and the other one who flies by the seat of her pants. I’m sure you know who these women are. The planner has everything mapped out from the beginning to the end of the year. She geeks out over systems and processes
5 Ways to Actively Wait on the Lord When You Don't Know Your Purpose
Doing everything you know to do to uncover your purpose but still no luck? It’s not easy to discover your God-given purpose. (If it were you would know by it now and everyone else would too)!
Making Sense of Your God-Given Calling
Do you know your God-given calling but are having a hard time determining how you should carry it out? You’re not alone. We all have a unique, individual purpose with so many ways we can go about pursuing it. But with so many gifts, talents, and passions it can be hard to determine what’s best to pursue.
Four Directions that Point to Your Purpose
When the Lord called me, I knew it was a calling because He called me to something very specific. I had a blog at that time that I felt called to pick back up after two years, and one day as I was sitting on the couch I remember Him saying "Google the word 'life coach'."
Understanding God's Purposes for You
Before I understood what purpose was, I thought purpose was all about a job role or a career. I thought that my purpose was to be some sort of career woman and to do whatever in life made me happy.