Self-Love: The Art of Self-Possession
As women, God has given us one of the most intimate gifts -- the ability to love deeply and passionately. We feel so much love and compassion towards others that it’s easy to give it away. The problem is not that it's hard finding the capacity to love others. The most difficult problem presents itself when it comes to loving ourselves.
How to Stay Focused
Do you find yourself automatically scrolling through your Instagram as you start to work, or maybe pausing your writing to catch up on your latest Snaps? If so, then you may have a hard time staying focused.
The 5 Best Skincare Practices to Beat the Winter Wind
With the harsh winter weather that has been brought to us by magnanimous blizzards, below freezing temperatures, and frigid winds, the weather has been whipping our butts. The battle against dry and crusty skin is on! With no moisture in the air, it can be hard to maintain soft and moisturized skin. Here are 5 skincare tips to revive your skin this winter.
Why Your Job Isn’t Your Purpose and How You Can Find Yours
At the core of us, we all have something that pushes us forward. It consists of what lights us up and gives us passion. It’s what’s known as our calling aka our purpose. Your purpose is the thing that you are called to do.
How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough
It’s halfway through January and some of you are already ready to throw in the towel. Either you haven’t started your goals yet or you already find yourself giving up, begging for 2017 to come so you can acquire a second chance.
Fearfully Fashioned News and Updates
I hope you all are having a fantastic week! I have some major news for you all. If you were on my webinar with me last Saturday or you are on my email list you already know about my wonderful surprises. I wanted to share with you all the new things I have created for Fearfully Fashioned.
The Foundations of Goal Setting
As we discussed in last week’s post, goal setting is a mental process that requires a powerful mindset shift. To effectively set goals it’s important to lay a strong mental foundation. The foundation of goal setting starts with the mind.
The Importance of Mindset Manifestation
When it comes to setting resolutions or goals, the foundation of your success begins with your mind. The mind is the most powerful tool that we have. If used the right way, it makes all the difference to how we sustain the journey of completing our goals.
The Top 4 Ways to Avoid Procrastination
Every now and then we all suffer from some form of procrastination. Regardless of whether the task is big or small, procrastination is one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people aren’t getting things done.