#IAMFearfullyFashioned Janelle King #IAMFearfullyFashioned Janelle King

Alexa Gabrielle is #FearfullyFashioned

Alexa Gabrielle is #Fearfully Fashioned. As a writer, YouTuber, fashion/photography lover, and worshipper, she is using her gifts to transform the hearts and souls of women. She is the founder of virtuousbeautyxo.com where she focuses on revealing "the love of the The Father to others so they can be prepared to endure [live and abide] with Him in eternity." 

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Janelle King Janelle King

7 Beauty Habits to Develop Now vs. Later

Regardless of our age, we all want amazingly, beautiful, glowing skin. In result, we should be developing and putting skin routines and habits into practice in order to reach our skin and beauty goals. I know that when life gets hectic it can be hard to follow a routine, but trust me, you’ll be thankful that you’ve put in the work now to reap the benefits of great and healthy skin later. 

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Faith Janelle King Faith Janelle King

5 Daily Devotional Blogs for Purpose Driven Women

My quiet time has always been a sacred time. I live to have small pockets of time to connect with God. Even when I was a little girl, I was so eager to spend time with Him. I think what I loved most about meeting with Him was that it provided me an outlet to do one of my favorite hobbies, reading. Reading took me into a world where even then, I could connect with God on a whole other level.

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Finance Janelle King Finance Janelle King

5 Apps You Need For Better Money Management

When I’m not hating that time of the month (you ladies know what I’m talking about), the rest of my hatred is usually reserved for the time when my bill statements arrive in my inbox. I don’t know about anyone else, but typically my bills all come during the same time of the month, during the first two weeks. Since I’m pretty good at managing my money, it’s not so much of a stressful time, but who loves to see money leaving their wallet?

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Living Well Janelle King Living Well Janelle King

Are You Really Hungry? Tips to Help You Avoid Emotional and Social Eating

When you get home from a long day of class or work, it’s easy to turn to the kitchen for relief. Your well-loved container of Talenti Gelato is there to greet you and your favorite bottle of wine is at hand to ease your nerves after a long, grueling day. However, after you down that container of Talenti, something is still there that needs to be addressed — your emotions. 

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Life Janelle King Life Janelle King

7 Warning Signs That Show You Are Quickly Approaching Burnout

If you know me personally, you would know that I am pretty great when it comes to discipline. I have no problem with work before play. In fact, majority of the time I confuse the two. For a Type A personality, it can be hard to distinguish between work and play. I find joy in working. I get high off of goal setting, working on a task, and finishing it to completion. Nothing gets me off like checking the last item off a to-do list, and as soon as I'm finished, I’m on to the next.

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Purpose & Work Janelle King Purpose & Work Janelle King

The Difference Between Passion & Purpose

What is it that lights you up? What do you find yourself constantly researching or obsessing over? Nine times out of ten, the things that you find yourself drawn to are your passions. They are the things that you have an intense likeness and desire for.  While you may have something you are passionate towards, it’s important that you don’t confuse it with your purpose. Your passions will serve as tools in carrying out your purpose.

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#IAMFearfullyFashioned Janelle King #IAMFearfullyFashioned Janelle King

Courtney Duinker is #FearfullyFashioned

Courtney is #FearfullyFashioned. As a wife to a professional basketball player, she is a health and fitness coach who is super passionate about her ministry in health and fitness. Previously battling a binge eating disorder, she has been able to overcome her feelings of doubt and inadequacy to fashion her life according to God's unique purpose for her.

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