Alexa Gabrielle is #FearfullyFashioned
Alexa Gabrielle is #Fearfully Fashioned. As a writer, YouTuber, fashion/photography lover, and worshipper, she is using her gifts to transform the hearts and souls of women. She is the founder of where she focuses on revealing "the love of the The Father to others so they can be prepared to endure [live and abide] with Him in eternity."
Overcoming self-doubt, insecurity, and sexual impurity, she has been able to take her passion for writing to help transform the lives of women through her powerful testimony. Through her Kingdom work, she prays that women will see the love of God through her past and present experiences and know that they were bought with a price by their Husband, who ultimately purifies and deems them as Virtuous.
What is your God-given purpose and how are you currently living it out?
My God-given purpose is to use my voice and gift of writing to transform women. I believe that one of the biggest battles we fight nowadays is knowing our identities in Christ and understanding His love for us. Using my blog, YouTube channel, in-person speaking engagements, and day to day interactions with others God has opened up doors for me to do just that.
What is one of the biggest challenges you had to overcome to pursue your God-given purpose and goals?
Transparency, being worried about what others would think about my past. Also, battling comparison and holding back due to fear of being repetitive and doing what “everybody else is doing."
What is your definition of success and stance on failure?
Success is giving your future over to God completely and walking beside Him with no limitations. You don’t have to have the highest degree possible, make six figures, or have the perfect family. Success can be as little as allowing God to fully heal and transform your life. Failure is a touchy word for me because of how it is affecting this generation. We tend to compare ourselves to others and what they have and think we are failing because we aren’t on the same “level” as them. If you are not including God in your plans, you are failing. I don’t care what kind of car you drive or what career you have. If you aren’t doing what you were purposed to do, you might as well be sitting at home on the couch all day doing nothing.
"If you are not including God in your plans, you are failing."
- Alexa Gabrielle -
If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice that you would give to yourself?
God still loves you and is still by your side. Don’t force yourself to go to school and do what others are doing. What you are feeling is for a reason, and it will all make sense soon. You aren’t failing.
What is one of your major characteristics that has contributed to where you are right now?
My strength and faith for sure!!! If I went into great detail about some of the things I have been through over the past couple of years, people would probably think I am making up stories. There were times when I wanted to give up and say, "forget everything," but my faith in God and His renewed strength in me kept me going.
What is your go-to bible verse that keeps you going?
Hebrews 11:1, Revelation 19:7, and all of Romans 7 and 8.
Mantra or words to live by.
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
What’s your favorite personal or spiritual development book/blog?
I love,,, and Whole Magazine.
Define what "fashion your life” means to you.
“Fashion your life” means to create the life you were meant to live without limitations and fear. Fashion is a form of expression and changes with the season. Just as fashion changes, so does life. When you “fashion your life” you are saying, “I am [with God by my side], creating the best life for me through every season, whether it be a time of bitter cold, or the blooming season of spring."
“[Fashion your life] means to create the life you were meant to live without limitations and fear."
- Alexa Gabrielle -
What advice would you give to women who are also looking to fashion their life according to God’s PURPOSE AND PLAN?
Don’t rush it, and don’t be afraid if He completely flips your plans. Also, quit comparing your life to everyone else's, and use the resources He gives you. If it is of God, He will begin to put things together in ways that will blow your mind.
What does it mean to know that you are #FearfullyFashioned?
To know that I am #FearfullyFashioned is nothing short of an honor and blessing. If you would’ve told me 3 years ago that I would be where I am now, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s amazing how God moves when you completely surrender and let Him lead your life.
Stay Connected with Alexa!
Instagram: virtuousbeautyxo
Facebook: virtuousbeautyxo
Youtube: Alexa Reynolds