Brooke Wilson is #FearfullyFashioned
Brooke Wilson is #FearfullyFashioned. Raised as a Texas girl, Brooke now lives with her husband in Tulsa, OK, where she works and coaches at a local school.
Brooke’s ministry, Living Unshackled, was birthed from several years of battling comparison, insecurity, anxiety, and more. Christ continued to show her that He has already broken her chains and purchased her freedom on the cross. With that Truth, He ignited a fire in her to help other women live in that same freedom through her blog and ministry, Living Unshackled.
What is your God-given purpose and how are you currently living it out?
God has given me a burning passion to help other women learn how to live in the freedom that He has purchased for us and then teach and bring other women along on the journey. I love women’s ministry and discipleship, and God gave me that passion and then provided a means for me to use it and share it through Living Unshackled. Praise Him!
What is one of the biggest challenges you had to overcome to pursue your God-given purpose and goals?
People pleasing. I had to stop trying to win the approval of man. It scared me to death to step out and start a blog and Instagram page…it still does sometimes. What are people going to think? Will anyone like it? Does anyone care? Do people think that I’m trying be self-righteous? – All of these thoughts ran through my mind. But ultimately I had to choose if I was going to let my fear of man be more important than my obedience to God.
What is your definition of success and stance on failure?
This is such a good question. So often in the insta/online business world success can be measured by likes, followers, profit, etc. BUT God has reminded me over and over that success is when the name of Christ is glorified and made known. If there is ONE single person who’s life is impacted by the work that I am doing, that is enough. On the other hand, failure is the moment that you take your life and make it all about you. We fail when we stop glorifying our Father with our lives.
"We fail when we stop glorifying our Father with our lives."
- Brooke Wilson -
If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice that you would give to yourself?
Live in the moment. Life flies and I don’t want to wish it away always dreaming for the next season.
What is one of your major characteristics that has contributed to where you are right now?
I would probably say my passion. God has made me a very passionate person. I feel very deeply about things and get really really pumped up about things I love. Sometimes my passion can be a negative thing, but I’m thankful that the Lord made me this way and harnessed it to drive Living Unshackled and ministry opportunities.
What is your go-to bible verse that keeps you going?
Oh man. Too many to choose from. Lately it has been:
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” –Philippians 4:8
My thoughts in their flesh have a tendency to run towards negativity, anxiety, etc. –gotta clothe my mind with TRUTH.
Mantra or words to live by.
“The little things are the big things. Be faithful in the secret places where no one sees and no one is watching.”
What’s your favorite personal or spiritual development book/blog?
Currently reading the Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. AMAZING content for all women to learn and apply to their marriages and relationships.
Define what "fashion your life” means to you.
To me, it means to build a life where every facet is made from and for Christ. Home, work, friends, marriage, kids, chill time, church…every piece of that is built to reflect Jesus.
What advice would you give to women who are also looking to fashion their life according to God’s will and purpose?
Some practical advice that I have done with my own life is to make a list of all the things you are passionate about and all of your strengths. Don’t be afraid to ask other trusted people in you life who truly know you what they think your strengths are. Then pray over those lists. Ask God to show you how He would have you use your gifts and passions for His Kingdom.
What does it mean to know that you are #FearfullyFashioned?
Ah! Love this. This is something God has been teaching me in the past year. He has fashioned me with specific gifts, and a specific purpose that no one else in the entire world can live out except me. He has created me exactly the way He wanted me to be. We can celebrate and rest in that. We can stop trying so hard and just be whom God created us! How cool!
Stay Connected to Brooke!
Instagram: @living_unshackled
Facebook: Living Unshackled
Twitter: @LUnshackled
Grab Brooke's newest "Adulting" Devotional for free!
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