13 Ways to Practice Self-Care When Life Gets Rough
So many of us are constantly going, never taking the time to slow down or come up for air. Our schedules are jammed pack with responsibilities and our to-do lists appear to be never ending. This constant striving to be everything to all people is causing us to burn out.
How to Prioritize Your To-Do List
It’s easy to set goals. It’s even easier to plan, but when it comes to executing and prioritizing our to-do list, that’s where a lot of us fall short. We’re great dreamers. We’re great planners, but what we lack is strategy. This is why so many people get caught up in the planning phase.
Sasha Frank is #FearfullyFashioned
Sasha Frank is #FearfullyFashioned. As a blogger and singer/songwriter she uses her platform to showcase style, music, inspiration, and her story. Having to let go of control and place her goals in God’s hands, Sasha had to step outside of her comfort zone and trust God's direction for her life.
5 Career Blogs Millennial Women Must Know
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. It’s something that we all have to do in some manner or capacity. Whether you’re in your perfect career or you’re new to the workforce, everyone is looking to find fulfilling careers or start successful businesses.
How to Set Intentional S.M.A.R.T. Goals
We often are taught to set goals from a place of lack. We think that, “If only I had x,y, and z my life would be better,” and we set goals out of that discontent place. The purpose of setting goals is not to obtain something we don’t have. Goals are used as a tool to further shape us into who God created us to be. They go hand in hand with our purpose by refining our character. They bring out any challenges or obstacles that have the potential to hold us back along the way.
A People Pleaser’s Guide to Setting Personal Boundaries
One thing that I’ve noticed about us women is that we love to please! And because of that need to please, we have a hard time saying no. Our “yes man” spirit keeps us busy doing what we didn’t set out to do.
How to Handle Rejection Gracefully
Let's go back to a moment in time -- a moment when you were so excited to start a new job, but a few days after the interview, you received an email saying you didn't get the position. Or maybe there was a moment when you applied to your top choice college and you received a letter saying you didn't get in.
How to Manage Your Side Hustle While Working a 9 to 5
Every time I get a new client in the Fashion Your Life Coaching Program, during our time management session, a client always asks, "Janelle, how are you doing it all?" I'm sure you're wondering what do they mean by the word "all."
How to Navigate Life As A Multi-Passionate Woman
Are you a woman who is overflowing with dreams and ideas? Do you have a hard time choosing a degree or major just because you want to do it all? Or maybe you're the person who has always had a hard time committing to a single career or hobby? If you found yourself answering yes to any of these questions, chances are you are multi-passionate.