Why You Should Have an Emergency Fund and How You Can Build Yours on Autopilot
I never knew the importance of having an emergency fun until several months back when I lost my job. I was approaching the last few months of my lease and preparing for a huge move. I immediately thought, “How am I going to pay the rest of my bills on top of moving to another state?!” Then I had calmly remembered that I had extra money to fall back on in my emergency fund account.
Are You A Good Steward?
For the longest, I always thought being a good steward only applied to personal finances. I grew up hearing the Parable of the Talents, and because the example directly discussed money and investment, I knew that I always had to take care of money wisely. Little did I know that stewardship goes beyond finances. It applies to every area of your life.
How I Maximize My Mornings With My Morning Routine
If you caught my last post on How to Become A Morning Person, you would know that I’m a morning person to the core. Now, I don’t want to reiterate how much I love the mornings (because I do)! This time around I wanted to share with you the morning routine that has enabled me to enjoy the mornings as much as I do.
Learn How to Become A Morning Person
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all wake up to the perfect morning? You know, actually waking up on time for work without hitting the snooze button, having our quiet time, and actually getting out of the house on time?
How to Develop Discipline In Every Area of Your Life
It never fails that the number one question that clients ask me is, "How do I develop discipline?" Discipline is an area where a lot of us struggle. In fact, when I sent out my mid-year survey a few months back, 70% of people indicated that developing discipline was one of their top struggles. Those results got me thinking, why do so many people struggle with discipline?
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure or Success
The fear of failure is something that I've always personally struggled with. The idea of not being "successful" use to tear me up inside. "What if I don't pass my classes? What if I can't support myself and I have to move home? What if I put all this work in and have nothing to show for it?" These thoughts of failure would constantly plague my mind.
How to Start a Blog with $50 or Less
I remember when I first started my blog back in 2013. It was then when the blogging industry started gaining a lot of attention. Everyday people were making a name for themselves on these powerful platforms just by sharing what they loved. They were able to take their passions and hobbies to create a purposeful career.
Tierraney Richardson is #FearfullyFashioned
Tierraney Richardson is #FearfullyFashioned. She is the founder of She Is Set Apart, an online ministry that helps women to maximize and view their singleness from a Biblical perspective. In 2014, at the age of 22, Tierraney chose to view her singleness as a time where God has set her apart.
The Number One Thing Holding You Back
The above is a quote I stumbled across while writing this post. The subject? Self-sabotage — the behaviors that stand in the way and create problems and interference when it comes to pursuing our purpose and goals.